I heard something funny today
Apparently I deal drugs, namely marijuana from my shop and I hang out with gangs.
Unfortunately if you’re looking to score, I’m unable to help you, sure, I like to smoke but I don’t deal it, just smoke it.
My first real introduction to gangs was when I was 19 in Christchurch and at the start I loved it, I went to a club house, they had swastika and rebel flags hanging up round the place and were listening to heavy metal and I remember thinking, this is awesome, people that are into the same shit as me. It didn’t take long for me to realise that was not that case. Back stabbing, lying etc. were rife, I was not like them. I didn’t know anyone else down there and maybe was too weak to associate myself with them, whatever the reason, I kept up the association, eventually shifting into the clubhouse, subsequently went to war with a pretty much identical white gang and ended up going to jail for almost 2 years.
So again, these fucktards that like spreading rumours about me have got it wrong
Other tall tales about me I’ve heard,
‘I hide swastikas in all the tattoos I do’;
wish this were true but I’m simply not that clever and it’s a bit late to start doing that now, in fact the last few people to ask me if I’d tattoo one on them, I’ve said ‘no’ and told them not to be an idiot and in one case, I’ve ended up covering up the swastika I was originally asked to do that the idiot went to someone else and got.
I’m a “white Supremacist”;
Now what’s the definition of a white supremacist?
: A person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races
Again I’m going to have to let people down. I don’t think white people are superior, defiantly some are compared to some people and I’ve met Maoris that far more clever and intelligent than what I’ll ever be. I think all races are pretty interesting and unique and have something to offer and they have the right to exist
I meet and tattoo people from every race and country and I treat everybody the same as I treat anybody else, if you disagree then feel free to tell me who I've mistreated
Some people I do actually hate
Paedophiles…especially so called ‘professional tattoo ones’ ie greg purdy at tahuna beach tattoo lounge
That piece of shit calls himself a professional tattooist and has been sentenced to 6 months jail for sexual assault on young girls in his shop (btw the way the charges that put me in jail were ‘being a member of a riot’) and since this shining member of our community got out after a couple of months he’s continued his crusade on young girls by offering them tattoos in exchange for sex or sexual favours and with girls as young as 13 and 14.
It bewilders me how anyone, man or women knowingly walks into that shop and gets tattooed, regardless of if his son does it, that not a get out of jail free card, you’re still responsible for putting money into a paedophiles pocket, but sadly a lot of people have no problem with that
And some of us wonder why New Zealand is leading the world in child abuse, cause many of us couldn’t give a fuck or are too afraid to stand up and speak out